3 Things I Learned During 3 Years of Florida Virtual Notary LLC

February 23, 2023

WE MADE IT! Florida Virtual Notary LLC (“FVN”) has had many accomplishments over the course of its 3-year lifespan, however this year has been the most accomplished of them all. With achievements such as the launch our first e-book of a series, providing new services such as Qualified Custodian packages, office notarizations, mobile notarizations, and being interviewed by MIA Voyage.  So, with all those achievements, what three (3) things have I learned so far?

Well, prior to the creation of FVN, I worked as an estate, trust, and tax paralegal.  Before working in the legal field, I worked in corporate retail as a manager for many years.  One of the traits I carried with me from my retail management days is that everyone SHOULD be treated differently. Everyone has different strengths and opportunities, and it is okay to recognize that and find what may motivate each person.  To clarify, I believe that recognizing that everyone is different and has helped me and others around me grow.

The second thing I discovered while managing and operating FVN is to set clear expectations for each client/signer when it comes to remote online notarization.  For example, a signer with limited familiarity with computers may require more attention than a signer with continuous computer usage. Therefore, my team and I ask the right questions to prepare each signer for potential hurtles and troubleshoot them prior to the appointment so that the online signing itself can go seamlessly.

Lastly, I realized that it’s not just important for me to be flexible as an individual, but FVN needs to be flexible too. The platforms we utilize for online notarization have updated and improved drastically since the beginning of the pandemic to now. FVN has evolved with the growing demand for notarization services and services that can accompany it. For instance, we initially ONLY provided online notarizations, but as the pandemic restrictions relaxed, many individuals requested in-person or mobile notarizations which we now offer based on the demand.  

In ending, there is a common theme in the things I learned. Everything I learned has to do with embracing diversity and being flexible. Please continue to keep a lookout for our next stage of evolution. As I pride myself in my ability to adapt and learn new and fun ways to educate others in and outside of my team.

Written by: Genna Rubolino, FRP, General Manager

Florida Notary Public and Florida Online Notary

Guardian Ad Litem: 15th Judicial Circuit

Please note that I, as the author of this article, am not a licensed attorney and as such cannot offer legal advice. No content of this article/blog post is intended as, nor should it be construed as legal advice.